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The COI/ESG scenario helps companies from all industries and of all sizes to identify (potential) conflicts of interest and to avoid or resolve them. The tool is based on the CMC:Platform from b-next, which has been used hundreds of times in the financial markets.

In a simple but enormously powerful matrix structure, all interests can be recorded and assigned to people/departments. Cross referencing identifies relevant overlaps and reports them as alerts to the appropriate processing team.

Comprehensive case management enables processing via various escalation levels as well as simple, fast reporting and audit-proof documentation. Simple standardized interfaces enable connection to other central applications, such as accounting or ERP systems.

Through extensive automation, the application reduces the costs of implementing the requirements of the ESG and protects against sanctions.

For decades, b-next has been a reliable partner for all issues related to capital markets compliance.

b-next offers interested companies the opportunity to get to know the software in individual demo sessions. You can register at