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Are you compliant with the latest regulations?
Are you compliant with the latest market regulations such as MiFID II and MAR? b-next Capital Markets Surveillance and Compliance software solutions meet regulatory mandates, manage risk and drive trading efficiencies among brokers.
Are you prepared for increased regulatory scrutiny?
With reputations at stake, b-next’s zero tolerance approach to market abuse offers optimal regulatory compliance and protection.
Has your firm’s reputation been damaged by market manipulation?
b-next provides robust tools to improve risk management and protect hard won reputations, so you can focus on growth and competitive success.
How comprehensive is compliance oversight across your business?
Superior risk management, proactive incident management and flexibility are built into b-next’s solutions. This helps your firm to embrace a culture that exceeds the minimum regulatory requirements.
How can you protect your firm from price rigging?
b-next’s Capital Markets Compliance (CMC:Suite) solution meets the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) requirements for the Regulation on wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) regarding insider dealing and market abuse.
How can you protect your benchmark against manipulation?
b-next’s CMC:Benchmark Fixing Surveillance solutions provide robust protection against manipulation of LIBOR or foreign exchange benchmarks.
How can you mitigate the risk of operating in volatile markets?
In today’s volatile markets, b-next’s advanced market surveillance solutions can alert your compliance officers to fraudulent behaviour early on, mitigating risk by identifying suspicious situations based on a number of pre-defined scenarios.
How can you stay ahead of market manipulators?
We help regulators around the world to stay one step ahead of market predators and the manipulative practices that prey on investors.